Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Tiffany currently attends Southwest Institute for the Healing Arts, where her studies focus on holistic wellness, holistic nutrition, and urban farming.  Her love of the Earth started at a young age. She grew up in the country, which provided a unique window that clearly showed just how much a deep connection with the Earth can benefit us. It wasn't until she moved to Mesa, Arizona in her teens that she realized just how different her childhood was from those living in urban areas. As she grew older, the disconnect people had from the Earth became more and more apparent. She soon decided to rekindle her connection with the Earth and learn how to live a sustainable and Earth-based lifestyle in an urban area. Her goal is to grow, learn, and share this knowledge with others. 

Tiffany as a young girl standing next to her flower garden. You can see her dad's garden behind her.

A more recent picture of Tiffany during a visit back home. You can still see her old flower garden to the right!

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