Thursday, December 4, 2014

Cleaning with Intention

Call me crazy, but one of my favorite weekly activities is cleaning! There’s just nothing better than a fresh, clean house! One of the reasons I love it so much is because I don’t just scrub away dirt and grime, I rid every crook and cranny of negative, stale, or stagnant energy. Working with energy may seem eccentric or even crazy here in the United States, but it’s just another daily activity in many cultures around the world. It makes a huge difference! Most people that come to my home the first time comment on how relaxed they feel in my space. Regardless of your walk in life, giving your home a good energy scrubbing is great for your family and your health.

Fresh Air

This is one of the easiest ways to clean out stale energy. Open your windows and doors! Open up your home to all the wonder that’s right outside your door. With a window or door open, stand and close your eyes. Feel the room. Is there a breeze? Are there new smells? What do you notice? Eyes open or closed, imagine the fresh air coming into your home and flushing out the old air – the old energy. See it being replaced with energy. It’s helpful to give the new energy a color, perhaps a light blue or white. It’s up to you! There is no right or wrong way. Even on a hot Arizona day, I like to do this for a few minutes each week – or 24/7 during nice weather. 

The Lavender Treatment

What do you think of when you see or smell lavender? For me, it’s the ultimate calming scent. I associate lavender with calm, tranquility, and harmony. I have a little lavender vacuuming ritual that I like to do, but you can do it with any herb you connect with. First, I sprinkle lavender all over the carpeted surfaces in my home. (For an added bonus, you can mix your lavender with baking soda and lavender essential oil.) As I sprinkle the lavender, I smile, and imagine all the positive energy I’m spreading throughout my home. After letting all that good energy soak in for about 15-20 minutes, I vacuum it up –with intention! Intention is the key. As I push the vacuum along the floor, I imagine it pulling up all the negative, old energy from my carpet, leaving it clean and fresh. Lastly, I empty the vacuum outside! No room for that negative nonsense, dirt, and grime in my home!

Smudging with Sage

Using sage to cleanse space was first done by indigenous American Indians, who have performed the ritual for thousands of years. They believed that the smoke called upon the spirits of native plants to cast out negative energy and restore peace and positivity to a space.  The roots of the practice could go back to its ability to drive away pests. In fact, one of the popular life “hacks” I’ve been seeing around the internet is to throw sage in your campfire to keep your campsite free of bugs! To use this sacred ritual in your home, you’ll need a smudge stick (a tightly bound bundle of dried sage), a lighter, and a shell or other bowl-shaped object to catch the ash. After lighting the smudge stick, walk around your home and imagine the smoke purifying the air around you. I like to walk in every room and in every corner, saying a prayer to bring peace to my home and my family.

These are just a few of many methods that can be used to spiritually cleanse your home. Frankincense is another example that’s been used for thousands of years! Wishing you love, light, and positivity.